The Enterprise Agony Uncle
The Enterprise Agony Uncle Show
Start Up Life Stories Sacha Woolham The Strategy Collective

Start Up Life Stories Sacha Woolham The Strategy Collective

Greetings Enterprising People,

My guest in this edition of Start Up Life Stories is Sacha Woolham of The Strategy Collective in Orkney. Orkney where on my first visit my head swam because the air was so clear and incredible. Maybe that is why it is home to so many enterprising people.

I quite like the word resonate these days and Sacha’s story certainly resonated with me. Maybe it was the touring Australia in a camper van bit-no I have not yet done that but would like to. Maybe it was how her business sort of started chatting to other parents about their businesses in the playground. Actually that was really important because it reflects the fact that in rural areas anywhere in the world many people have to have their own business to survive and of course my great mantra “no business ever started with a plan -it started with a conversation”.

Overall it was just a good and enlightening chat and guess what? Sacha has another business underway that could be very big indeed,

Enjoy this little slice of enterprise and also please, please share it !



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PPS. We are delighted to have received support for this episode from the Scottish Ecosystem Fund 2023-24 run by Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Government.


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