The Enterprise Agony Uncle
The Enterprise Agony Uncle Show
Start Up Life Stories Ross McCulloch of Third Sector Lab.

Start Up Life Stories Ross McCulloch of Third Sector Lab.

Enterprise Voices

Greetings Enterprising People!

This slice enterprise soul food aka Enterprise Voices features the charming ,delightful and very thoughtful Ross McCulloch of Third Sector Lab.

Now my favourite quote from Ross is how he describes the difference between working for other people and working for himself . Drum roll please…

I don’t wake up in the morning with a sense of dread”

So I suggest you make a space for this interview,get a coffee,herb tea or whatever you prefer and invest twenty minutes in making your life better by listening to someone inspiring.



PS see that wee box below it wold be great if you shared this post.

PPS. We are delighted to have received support for this episode from the Scottish Ecosystem Fund 2023-24 run by Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Government.

Spread the enterprise love .This post is public so feel free to share it.


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