The Enterprise Agony Uncle
The Enterprise Agony Uncle Show
Start Up Life Stories -Florence Aluu of Flosverse

Start Up Life Stories -Florence Aluu of Flosverse

Greetings Enterprising People,

My guest in this edition of Start Up Life Stories is Florence Aluu of Flosverse. Flo is passionate about education and learning and uses virtual reality to help all sorts of people learn, Her own story arriving in sun drenched Scotland from Nigeria is uplifting.

Flo loves to help people learn. I love to help people learn so we had a really long and complex discussion. So long and so much fun that I had to do the interview again or it would have been 2 hours and not twenty minutes.

Enjoy this little slice of enterprise and also please, please share it !



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PPS. We are delighted to have received support for this episode from the Scottish Ecosystem Fund 2023-24 run by Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Government.

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